How can YOU
Make Bullhead Better?
Would you like to volunteer? Are you a business looking for a way to support our community? We are here to be an amplifier for everyone that wants to Make Bullhead Better.
Make Bullhead Better provides an insight into the community by providing interviews with individuals, businesses, elected officials and non-profit organizations. It is important to highlight what people are doing to make our community better.
We also provide
Bullhead City Mom's Group (join the Facebook page HERE)
Monthly Clean Up Bullhead (First Friday of the month October-May find locations HERE)
Monthly FREE Drive-Thru Food Distribution (Saturday after the third Friday of the month)
Community Baby Showers (Three times a year)
Teens Helping Seniors (A Youth led initiative helping Senior Citizens with basic chores September-April)
Teacher Appreciation Party (At the beginning of each school year)
Bullhead City Trunk or Treat (Halloween Night at Rotary Park)
Adult Egg Hunt
Kids Easter Egg Hunt
Egg My Yard - Bullhead City Moms Group
If you have something interesting happening in the Bullhead area please contact me for an interview at makebullheadbetter@gmail.com or call 928.444.2896

Grace Hecht
I was born in 1981 and Bullhead was incorporated as a city in 1984. I feel like we have therefore grown up together.
I have been here my entire life and have a vested interest in making my community better. To do that I am shining a light on people and organizations in Bullhead City that are doing just that Making Bullhead Better.