In 1993 the movie "Sandlot" came out. I was 12 years old at the time. Which makes me feel old now, nevertheless it was a great movie about a small town and kids that were enjoying an amazing summer.

These last two school years have been pretty awful for teachers, students and parents, so having this event was so wonderful because it was so normal. Who would have thought that something as "normal" as going swimming together could bring so much joy and build community. So when I approached Dave Heath the Bullhead City Parks and Rec Superintendent and Kara Kaplan the new Director of the pool it was so awesome to hear that they wanted to partner with Make Bullhead Better to have a FREE SWIM night for our community.

May 20th was the last day of school for many students in Bullhead and over 400 of them celebrated by coming out to the pool. There were so many people and organizations that helped make this evening a success and so I would like to take the time to thank them.
Thank you to all the incredible Volunteers!! -Bullhead City Spirit Life Church volunteered for their first time with us and came with like 12 people!! They helped from start to finish! -Westcare Arizona- They are our Family Fun Night Sponsors and they came with amazing ladies from Hildy’s House and their employees to Volunteer!

- Mohave Accelerated Schools Key Club - These kids are just absolutely incredible!! They come help with ALL our events and Make Bullhead Better would not be able to do what we do without them!! -Lazy River Getaways - Barbara Weber she is awesome her and her sweet friend and her husband came out and I appreciate them so much!! - Musicians - Kid and Nic, Johnny Darko, Heidi Fertig, Sap Sour. All of these incredible musicians donated their time and Talent!!

-Bullhead City Parks and Recreation - Partnered with us and it was soooo awesome!! Kanan the Maintenance guy for the Ken Fovargue Park Swimming Pool VOLUNTEERED his time after working all day to help with this! Even though he had to be into work the next morning at 6AM
Director of Bullhead City Pool Kara Kaplan & Dave Heath Parks and Rec Superintendent this could not have happened without your incredible partnership!! Thank you

- Bullhead City Police Department - Lorrie Duggins, Lt. Sessions, a representative from the Governor’s office for the Liquor Board. Thank you for being their and helping kids have a positive interaction with law enforcement.

-Bullhead City Fire Department - Barbie Barrett and Lori Viles - Thank you for being there to show the kids the ambulance and how awesome our first responders are! - O.U.R.- Stopping Human Trafficking - This was their first event in our town and it was awesome to have them. If you want to help stop human Trafficking please reach out to Sheena Hawkes.

- New Image Primary Care - Tasha and her team are amazing. I am so glad they were here at this event. Mohave County Department of Public Health had a great booth talking about all the services they provide. Monica and Gia Garabali- This Mom and daughter are incredible!!
Arizona PBS Kids wasn't able to be there in person, we are so happy to partner with them and gave out lots of summer reading packets.

Recyclops - Is an incredible company trying to bring recycling back to Bullhead. We are partners with them. So if you want to help them help us sign up for recycling

YSA National Honors Society - Thank you so much for volunteering with your youth!! Larry Tuna Tunforss Thank you for helping us get the stage, thank you for having us on Speak Out 2.0 Walter, the Orphaned Donkey - Thank you Blake, Kelly and Cat Smith for being at this event it was sooo great to see you all and Walter

Arizona Youth Partnership Thank you Gevey for being there and all the resources you provide Mohave Area Partnership Promoting Educated Decisions(MAPPED) - So many amazing people in this organization!! Karole Finkelstein Thank you for sponsoring the Nintendo switch which was won by a youth that works at the pool and who committed to be drug and alcohol free!!

Bullhead City may be very hot in the Summer, but we have an incredible community full of wonderful people and organizations. Let's continue to do what we can together to create events for the families and youth in our area. Together we Make Bullhead Better.