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Writer's pictureGrace Hecht

Zachery Update…

Just to update everyone on Zachery....

February 28th we rushed Zachery to valley view ER he was complaining of belly pain and he couldn’t keep anything down. He had a temperature of 101.6 they started an iv and antibiotics while they waited instructions from our onocolgy Dr. They did a blood culture and found a bacterial infection in his blood stream.

They did a ct scan and found his bowels were swollen and inflamed. Due to the weather that night they could not transport him by air or ambulance because no one wanted to risk the road. For 6 hrs we sat and waited wasting precious time. Dr foord called me and said she needed Zachery in Vegas ASAP and we agreed that us transporting him was the best option as time was wasting.

We got Zachery into the car and headed to Vegas despite the weather. We arrived in Vegas at 2am not a drop of rain or bad weather. When we arrived at Summerlin ER they were waiting for him and immediately got started before we got through the door.

When he arrived he was in sepic shock, his body and organs were shutting down. His blood pressure was 50/28 and his temperature was 102.3 they started a medicine to raise his blood pressure and started fluids. After a very intense and stressful hour they got him stabilized and moved to the pediatric ICU. Once in the icu they began numerous tests and fluids including antibiotics to restart his organs. They found he had pancreatitis, gallstones, and a bacteria infection of the intestines.

They did a blood culture to find out what bacteria it was and what antibiotics will work best. After 7 days they found it was Ecoli and it was attacking his port. They changed 1 of the antibiotics to something stronger that works to kill ecoli and they directed it to go into his port. They gave him so much fluid and different vitamins ano electrolytes that he was very swollen.

The infection put a lot of strain on his heart it was not contracting as it should so he was placed on a heart medicine to help. He was put on round the clock Tylenol because the infection was raising his temperature to extreme levels he went into shock his heart rate was well over 220.

He was given multiple blood and platelet transfusions. He hasn’t eaten in two weeks to let his belly and pancreas rest. As of March 8th his blood cultures have been negative and the antibiotics are working. He was taken off the heart medicine and heart function is normal at 64.8% his kidneys, liver, and gallbladder all are working like normal and levels have normalized. His pancreas levels are slowing rising, so he will have another ultrasound today to see if he still has gallstones which could be causing a rise in his pancreas numbers.

He will have another Echo on his heart tomorrow just to make sure it’s functioning properly. He has moved from icu to the pediatric oncology floor and has graduated to a clear liquid diet. The Tylenol has stopped and no fevers. His blood cultures are still negative so the antibiotics are doing their job. He is starting to become hisself again and is doing much better.

His chemo treatment is on hold until he is 100% he has at least another 14 days in the hospital on antibiotics before he may possibly go home. Because of the harsh chemo Zachery’s white blood cell count was 0.03 meaning he had no immune system to fight a cold let alone a bacteria infection. The normal bacteria in his intestines seeped out due to chemo and started attacking his body.

There is a chance that this could happen again because chemo is harsh and it kills the good and the bad. Zachery’s current white blood cell count is well over 12 which is fantastic he is no longer immune. His anc is well over 1100 and his platelets are 98k so everything is improving. Please keep Zachery in your prayers as he continues his fight against leukemia 🧡

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Mar 15, 2023

I am

pray for this precious one to get healed completely by the precious blood Of JESUS Amen 🙏😍


Mar 15, 2023

We're praying for you Zachery and family.

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